Identity theft
is an issue that requires global cooperation to ensure a safe internet, it is
becoming more serious due to its profitability and low rate of conviction.
Global citizens are facing the threat of identity theft and it has become a
crime which involves more than billion dollars annually, and affecting millions
of people, businesses, and countries around the world. The identity theft has
brought a lot of new issues for the global community as it can be perpetrated
globally over the internet easily. This crime can occur in many forms, like
some thieves may buy a house, obtain a credit card, get a job or subscribe to
certain services by using personal information of other people and commit other
crimes as well.
Many victims
spend a lot of money and time to repair damage to their good name and financial
matters. There are many challenges in combating the identity theft, these cases
are difficult to be solved because of the anonymity and the nature of the internet
crime. They are hardly bound to a geographic area, they can commit crime from a
different area distant from victims. Different jurisdictions and regulations
make the enforcement and prosecution become more difficult. It requires the
involvement of several law enforcement bodies to solve such cases. There is a
lack of legislation among these countries to counter identity theft, it can affect
victims attempts to recover their loss and reputation.
Some developing
countries do not have sufficient manpower and resources to combat identity
theft. The lack of cooperation between developed and developing countries could
create legal loopholes which identity thieves can make use of it and the lack
of solid cyber security measures has caused inefficiency to counter this issue.
all over the world have to take more secured measures to protect themselves
from identity theft. Awareness is a great weapon to fight against identity
theft, it must be enhanced globally so that people are aware of the crime and
able to prevent it.They must be educated to safeguard their data as these
thieves might commit theft transnasionally and given adequate legal assistance
to get their compensation.
A treaty on identity theft can be established to
enhance the uniformity among different countries and make policies so that
those companies around the world adhere to the regulations to prevent
international syndicates from committing fraud and not able to escape from
prosecution and conviction. Resources sharing and common criminal procedures
can facilitate the efforts in penalising identity thieves. Each country must
put more efforts to strenghten the cyber security and work together in making
access to personal information and internet transcations safer and protected
from the risk of being hijacked.
Even though law
enforcement situations are geographically different, every country is having
same challenges and obstacles when facing the anonymous and borderless nature
of identity theft. The challenge remains as these thieves continue to develop
new method of getting and misusing the personal information. Therefore, every
country must have closer cooperation and coordination in establishing strong
mechanisms and taking effective measures in order to counter identity theft
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