
1.1 What is Cyber Law

Cyber law is the area of law which is pertaining to the use of computer and internet and the exchange of communication and information including relevant issues concerning such communications and information as the protection of intellectual property rights, security of the cyber space and public access to the information. These set of laws shall determine how computer users in Malaysia should conduct themselves, their businesses and transactions besides handling of their respective data on the Internet. Cyber laws in Malaysia are being enacted by the Parliament as part of the initiative to take Malaysia into E-world and enhancing the Multimedia Super Corridor to the maximum level.

The present list of cyber laws in Malaysia are as follow:

- Digital Signature Act 1997
- Computer Crimes Act 1997
- Telemedicine Act 1997
- Communications and Multimedia Act 1997
- Evidence Act 1950
- Evidence Act (amendment) Act 1993
- Personal Data Protection Act 2010
- Trade Marks Act 1976
- Defamation Act 1957
- Penal Code of Malaysia
- Electronic Commerce Act 2006
- Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984
- Copyright Act 1987

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